Consular fees

Below you will find the fee information for all our services, including visa fees and exemptions.

  1. Last updated on

1. Consular fees

You will find all consular fees via the PDF document above.

Remember to always pay the listed amount in JMD.
The amount to be paid is that applicable on the day of your appointment.

The exchange rate may change. We therefore advise to check the price in JMD a couple of days before your appointment or before you send us your documents, and to pay it at that point in time to avoid paying a wrong amount.

How to pay? See Payment.

2. Specific information about visa fees

The visa fee covers the processing cost of a visa application.

Visa fees cannot be refunded if :

  • the visa is refused,
  • the applicant cancels their application or does not travel,
  • a payment is made when an exemption applies and the applicant did not read the information correctly,
  • a wrong amount is paid because the applicant did not read the above carefully.

If you have any further questions, please send us a message (kingston@

     a) Visa fees and exemptions for a short term visa (visa C)

The following applicants are exempt from paying the visa fee:

  • Family members of EU citizens (including Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Swiss citizens, being: the spouse, children who are under 21 years of age and children who are dependents, (grand)parents and (grand)parents of the spouse of the EU of Swiss citize who are dependents; in case of students:  spouse and children who are dependents (relevant proof to be presented when applying);
  • Children younger than 6 years;
  • Students and their accompanying teachers, if the purpose of their trip is study or vocational training;
  • Researchers as defined under article 3, point 2) of the Directive (EU) 2016/801 of the European Parliament and Council, who are travelling for scientific research or participate in a scientific seminar or conference;
  • Representatives of non-profit organizations who are 25 years of age or younger and participate in a sporting, cultural or educational seminar, conference or manifestation organized by non-profit organizations.

Please note that as per the Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1415 of March 14, 2024 amending Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009 as regards the amount of the visa fee, published on May 22, 2024, from 11 June 2024, the amount of the visa fee will increase from EUR 80 to EUR 90 for short-stay visas for adults and from EUR 40 to EUR 45 for short-stay visas for children aged 6 to 12.

     b) Visa fees and exemptions for long stay visa (visa D)

The following applicants are exempt from paying the visa fee:

  • Spouses and children under 18 years of age of EU citizens;
  • Any other family member of a EU citizen or his/her spouse, who is financially dependent or lives with them;
  • Citizen of Morocco, Israel, Turkey, Japan or San Marino who are requesting a temporary residence permit*;
  • Scholarship holders of the Belgian government, the Belgian administrations in a large sense, international organizations and Belgian universities.

* Visa applications for family reunion by citizens of these countries are paying, except if the person falls under the first or second exemption category