Visa D - Suriname & Guyana

Visa D for residents of Suriname & Guyana

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Visa D for residents of Suriname & Guyana

Visa D for Belgium 

You can start the application process for your visa D via Via this link you will register as a new user*, fill out your application form online and submit it electronically. 

* When registering as a new user you will need to create a password. Your password should be a combination of letters and numbers with at least one capital letter and at least one symbol (#,@,$,*,%,etc.). 

You do NOT need to make an appointment. You do not need to come to the Embassy in person to apply, but you send us everything via courier service (DHL, Fedex…) 

All requested documents need to be sent to us via courier service (DHL, FedEx…). 

Please ALWAYS provide a prepaid return airwaybill. 

See: Sending and collection of documents 

If you send us more than one visa application at the same time, please ensure that 1/ you send us a full application (every document requested) for every applicant, and 2/ each application is packaged separately (eg one envelope per applicant, containing the full application of that person). We will not be responsible for organizing documents per applicant. 

Please follow these instructions in detail. 

If you do not follow the instructions we may not be able to treat your application, your application may be delayed severely or we may send you back your application untreated. 

Which documents do you need to submit? 

Other visa categories: see general information on the Immigration Office website


Do you have any further questions? Please send us a clear email ( Visa related questions will not be answered by phone.